Best Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux/GERD

What is acid reflux? Acid reflux is also known as heartburn. When the acid in the stomach backs up to the esophagus it causes discomfort. Like heartburn/chest pain sometimes. Heartburn was always thought of as too much acid in the stomach but now we know it’s due to low acidity in the gut. When food … Read more

What is the best treatment for diverticulosis?

Inflammation and pain What’s diverticulosis? Let’s start by defining a few terminologies diverticulosis is a sac or pouch formed in the colon. It occurs in the large intestines when constipation creates too much pressure while straining. The colon becomes weak as a result the walls of the intestines bulge out and form sacs.  Diverticulitis- This … Read more

The Best Treatment For H.Pylori- You got to decide!

What is H. Pylori? Helicobacter pylori is one of the oldest bugs that’s been around for at least two hundred thousand years.  A notorious bacteria that can be in your gut for your entire lifetime without showing any symptoms. Because of its spiral shape, it is deemed to survive for a long time. In addition, … Read more

 Autism And Gut Health- Unlocking The Brain-Belly Connection

Illustration of the connection between autism and gut health, showing a brain on one side and a digestive system with healthy foods on the other.

Autism spectrum disorder is a disorder (ASD ) that influences normal brain development, and it affects 1 in 55 children in the US. Kids with Autism were found to have a unique, premature, and smaller size gut than other children who don’t have this disorder.   There are several causes, including genetics and environmental factors. Nutritional … Read more

What Is the Difference Between SIBO And SIFO

Though I’m comparing these two ailments I have already written on SIBO in another article you can read here. I will still give you a brief definition of SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).  It is an increased number of bacteria that takes over the gut system. This creates an imbalance of good and bad bacteria. SIFO ( … Read more

What Is The Difference Between Gluten Intolerance And Celiac Disease?

The gluten-free diet is becoming increasingly popular as people worldwide become aware of its potential benefits. Gluten is believed by many to contribute to gut disorders, and as such gluten-free products can easily be found all most anywhere nowadays. The gluten-free food industry brought in a whopping 2.9 billion profit in 2019 and is expected … Read more

Why Am I So Gassy and Bloated? Causes And Remedies

You might be asking yourself why I am so gassy and bloated, well it’s no surprise that many of us can feel occasional gas and bloated.  Sometimes it can be just excessive air you might have swallowed while eating or even chewing gum.  However: when it becomes a daily struggle it can cause pain and … Read more

Are Artificial Sweeteners Harming Your Gut Bacteria?

 There has been a controversial debate about artificial sweeteners. On the one hand, artificial sweeteners are claimed to help reduce excess sugar intake and decrease weight. However, on the flip side, they are blamed for causing more health issues like cancer, relegating gut health, and making blood sugars out of control.  What are artificial sweeteners? … Read more

Healthy Fats For Your Gut Health – And Why Fats Matter?

What are fats? Fats are components of Hydrogen, Carbon, and Oxygen. They are the basic building blocks of every cell. They provide the highest concentration of energy in the diet giving us about 9 calories per gram. On the other hand, protein and carbohydrates only have about 4 calories per gram. It’s a no-brainer that … Read more