Home Remedy For Constipation Relief – Causes and Solution

At least once, if not more, you or some you know will have constipation, which is a huge problem due to many factors. When not treated, it can lead to many ailments.

According to PubMD.gov, it is estimated that over 35 million in the United States have frequent constipation, which is the most common digestive problem compared to any other gut disorders combined. About 900 deaths in the USA are reported annually related to this condition.

  1. The food we eat is more processed than ever before, we consume fewer vegetables and fruits and if any its mainly from cans and plastic containers’ nothing fresh. These kinds of foods have inadequate fiber, which increases the chances of being constipated.
  2. Inactivity is another cause; both adults and children are moving less. We are primarily on our screens. People are not going grocery shopping anymore with modern technology. Amazon Prime, Instacart, and UberEats groceries, and cooked food with high fat and sugar diet are delivered right at our doors.  Since  Covid 19 hitting, people are more indoors, hardly stepping outside. More indoor activities like gyms are closed due to the spread of the virus, which got worse.
  3. Not drinking enough water and consuming lots of sugary drinks is contributing to the problem.
  4. Taking medications such as opiates (morphine, codeine), antihypertensives, antacids, making constipation worse.
  5. Delaying time to use and developing a  routine for bathroom habits contributes to constipation as well.

People avoid prescription medicine due to side effects concerns. Here are some natural methods

many have used to get relief from constipation and regular pooping habits

Eat Fewer process Foods

As a modern society, we eat more processed, high-fat foods than ever in the history of humanity; fake is convenient for most people and is more affordable than fresh fruits and vegetables.

Prepackaged frozen meat, pizzas, snacks, you name it, are available easily; these foods contain lots of artificial ingredients and have less fiber; therefore, eating too much of them leads to constipation.

Eating Foods With Lots Of Fiber

Eating enough fiber food is important because it helps retain water in the colon, which helps soften and add bulk to the stool, easily passing through the colon. Some food that helps with constipation are, oats, lentils, legumes, Chia seeds are soluble fibers that are great to eat.

Insoluble fiber-containing foods are fresh fruits and vegetables with lots of fiber and good for gut health, a natural home remedy for constipation relief. It’s even better to eat vegetables raw as cooking can destroy most fiber, so gentle cooking is recommended to get the most benefit. Beware some fruits and vegetables are more fibrous than others, so do your homework before grocery shopping.



Physical activities are important in helping with food moving in the digestive system and

getting rid of stool. Getting at least 20-30 minutes of exercise such as walking, biking, swimming are examples of easy activities anyone can do.

Drinking Plenty Of Water

For our body to function properly, we need plenty of fluids, preferable water. Since our body’s size and activities vary on a given day, our need for fluids might be different. 

Most sources recommend at least eight glasses of water per day, which can help with constipation and other bodily functions as our body is about 70% water.

Bereverages Can Help With Constipation

  • Coffee

Yup! did you know that a hot cup of coffee can stimulate the gut and help you go to the bathroom shortly after drinking it?  It works for some people but not everyone. It might cause the opposite effect since it can make you dehydrated and might lead to constipation.

  • Tea

Peppermint tea comes to the rescue for tea lovers because it is rated as one of the best tea for constipation due to its mild laxative effects can stimulate the bowels to eliminate waste. Senna is also one of the popular tea mostly used for weight loss, and as a detox aid, its laxative properties are useful for those who suffer from constipation.

  • Apple juice

Although apple juice is good for constipation relief, making juice with the skin has more fiber content and is more effective than just the juice by itself.

It’s always best to use natural laxatives that make the bowel work independently

instead of over-the-counter or prescription drugs with stimulants that can cause more harm than

good. Some of my to-go natural laxatives are

  • Prunes (3-5 per /day)
  • Metamucil (1-2.tbsp/day)
  • Flax seed (1-2tbsp/day)

Here is one I regularly use that cleans your intestine without the

unpleasant. side effects that come with some prescription laxatives or even

over the counter ones

Never ignoreThe Call Of Nature 

When the need to go the bathroom comes, please don’t ignore it; otherwise, you are asking for trouble, it can lead to constipation which will cost you time, money, and sometimes your life. 

Make time each day to use the toilet,  preferably after a meal around the same time, even if you don’t have the urge, which can help with regularity.

Squate Positioning  vs Sitting

Squatting straightens your colon and relaxes your hip muscles making pooping easy to empty the bowels naturally. The standard way of sitting on the toilet bends rectal muscle, making it difficult for the bowels to empty. This video illustrates how to empty your bowels easily by positioning yourself.

Prebiotics And Probiotics 

When the gut bacteria is out of whack and has less good bacteria, the GI ecosystem gets messy and is taken over by bad bacteria; hence constipation and other gut disorders start showing up. Food that has prebiotics and probiotics is always good to eat. Taking supplements can increase friendly bacteria, which helps balance good and bad bacteria in the gut, maintaining healthy bowel movement without difficulty.

Some foods like banana, apples, garlic, onion, and leeks are good prebiotics foods. Fermented foods like Kimchi, Sauerkeut are also good sources of probiotics.


As it was well said by Socrates, the Greek physician, nearly 2500 years ago, “All diseases are from the gut”  Whatever you eat contributes to our physical, mental, and yes, even emotional health.

There is a correlation between what we eat and the diseases that most people complain about, from diabetes to autoimmune diseases. It has been identified that changes in the gut flora predispose people to these conditions.

Therefore, one of the biggest favor you can do for your gut is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink enough water, eat less junk, and you’ll be happy with your health and wellbeing.


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